This term refers to the process by which the geographical coordinates (e.g., latitude and longitude) of each satellite measurement are determined. The precise determination of geographical coordinates requires information on the time, satellite orbit, the satellite attitude parameters, and the Geoid. In the case of absence of this information, geographical coordinates are often determined by techniques that use landmarks and control points. The result of geo-location is a geo-referenced satellite measurement without a change in the original geometry of the measurement.
FIDUCEO Vocabulary
This term refers to the process by which a geo-located or navigated satellite measurement is transformed into the grid of a known coordinate system or type of projection. This process requires interpolation techniques such as cubic-spline or nearest neighbour. Geo-rectification results in gridded satellite measurements. Geo-rectification is synonymous to gridding for satellite measurements.
This term refers to satellite measurements that have been geo-located or navigated.
This term refers to the process that assigns a geo-referenced satellite measurement to the appropriate cell in a predefined grid. This step is used to aid the visualisation of satellite imagery as a map in which one grid-cell can be interpreted as one image pixel. Gridding results in gridded satellite measurements. Gridding is synonymous to geo-rectification for satellite measurements.
GCOS Reference Upper Air Network
Global Space-based Inter-calibration System